eNICQ 6 - How do I add additional centers to a single installation of eNICQ 6?


How do I add additional centers to a single installation of eNICQ 6?


If you will be entering data for more than one center using a single installation of the eNICQ 6 database, you will need to add a new center to your eNICQ 6 application. In order to do this, you will need eNICQ Admin permissions for the current center and the new center. To have Admin access, you will either need to be entered into the appropriate Active Directory Group by your IT team (if you don't need to use a user name and password to log into eNICQ 6), or have been provided with permissions by your VON Services Admin (if you log into eNICQ 6 with a user name and password), see Providing eNICQ 6 Permissions to VON Logins.

If you are using Active Directory logins please make sure you have the new Active Directory group created ahead of time. You will want different Active Directory groups (an admin group and a user group) for each center otherwise, if you use the same AD groups for every center, everyone will have access to the data for each center.


1. Click on the Advanced Menu Options (the gear icon in the top right) and select Center Management:

eNICQ 6 Advanced Menu Options,Center Management circled in menu 

2. Click "Add New Center":

eNICQ 6,Center Management window,Add New Center button in bottom left outlined in red with arrow pointing to it


3. Enter in the License Key and click Add Center:

eNICQ 6,Center Management window,License Key Required page,field for license key

4. If you are using Active Directory logins you will be prompted to enter the AD Group Names for the new center.

 eNICQ 6,Center Management window,Active Directory Authentication page,fields for Standard Users AD Group Name and Admin Users AD Group name


5. If you have a Business Associates Agreement with us to submit PHI (e.g. for Nightingale Time Series Reporting) you will be asked if you want to Enable PHI Submission. For more information on PHI submissions or Nightingale Reporting please contact your VON Account Manager.

eNICQ 6,Center Management Window,Submit Protected Health Information to VON page,Enable PHI Submittion Button in bottom left