eNICQ 6 Release History


  • Initial Product Release
  • Release Date:  1/2/2018
  • General Release, Network-wide announcement
  • Required?  For 2018 data entry.



  • FB Milestone:  "6.1 External Data"
  • Build Number:  .10
  • Release Date: 2/8/2018
  • General Release, Targeted Announcement to EDI centers and vendors, UTC +1 members.
  • Required?  No
  • fb:18982 - Fix to problem in which time zones of UTC +1 or higher experienced problems serializing datetimes to JSON. 
  • fb:18979 - Amended minimum date values provided by VON web services to accommodate time zones of UTC +1 or higher.
  • fb:18984 - Updated installer to require .NET framework 4.6.1.  Previously it had been requiring 4.5.2, a holdover from prior requirements.
  • fb:19090 - Updated initial data import routine to better autofill SIHTHISCENTER and SIHOTHERCENTER on data migration.  Note that this is only for pre-2018 records on migration.  Later imports must be fixed manually.
  • fb:19029 - Updated installer to trim leading and trailing spaces from AD group names.  An unintended consequence is that installer now strips all spaces from AD group names.  AD group names must now include no spaces.
  • fb:19105 - Updated application to trim leading and trailing spaces from AD group names entered under Settings → Centers
  • fb:18975 - Revised data import routines to allow auto-assignment of VON ID number provided a unique MRN is present and the ID field has not yet been populated.
  • fb:18898 - Added new transfer code "Admission from Home, 98777777"
  • fb:19037 - Fixed problem in which an initial disposition of "Unknown" was associated with display issues on the data entry form.

  • FB Milestone:  None
  • Build Number:  .17
  • Release Date: 2/16/2018
  • General Release, Targeted Announcement
  • Required?  No
  • Miscellaneous changes to data import routine for XML and JSON file formats.

  • FB Milestone:  n/a
  • Build Number:  n/a
  • Release Date:  2/25/2018
  • Automated Business Rules Release, Targeted Announcement to international members
  • Required?  n/a
  • fb:19070 - Fixed problem in which separators for non-US regions (such as commas as decimal separators) were unable to be handled by eNICQ 6 business rules.

  • FB Milestone:  "6.1.0 Quick Patch"
  • Build Number:  .19
  • Release Date: 3/5/2018
  • General Release, Targeted Announcement (different messaging to different members depending on context)
  • Required?  No
  • fb:19181 - Fixed problem in which an imported record with no patient name would adopt the patient name of the first record in the Patient Log.
  • fb:19159 - Fixed problem in which an imported record lacking blank XML tags for <ID></ID> would fail to create a record.
  • fb:19164 - Fixed problem in which batch validation failed to run following a data import.


  • Build Number:  .20
  • Release Date: 5/21/2018
  • Limited Release, single center serving as beta
  • Required?  n/a
  • fb:21702 - provisional testing of changes to .NET framework and TLS version negotiating pattern.  Please see further details in notes for version



  • Nickname:  "TLS Patch"
  • Build Number:  .1
  • Release Date:  6/25/2018
  • General Release, announced to full network
  • Required?  By 1/31/2019
  • fb:21702 - Upgraded the eNicq 6 Microsoft .Net Framework to 4.6.1 due to a flaw in the Microsoft .NET 4.5.2 framework which negotiated TLS version towards the lowest compatible version, creating a risk of the software communicating over the now deprecated TLS 1.0.  The .NET framework version 4.6.1, however, will negotiate towards the highest possible version, allowing VON to lock communications to TLS 1.1 or better in the future.
  • fb:21736 - Fixed .NET framework compatibility issues in various support utilities for eNICQ 6.


  • Build Number: .135
  • Release Date: 10/22/2020
  • General Release, announced to full network
  • Required? No

Bug fixes

    • When a user with no center logs into eNICQ, they will see the following message: 

"The eNICQ application recognizes your account, but cannot find any associated access granting permissions. If you are an eNICQ User, please ask an eNICQ Administrator for assistance.  If you are an eNICQ Administrator, are new to eNICQ, or don't know who your eNICQ Administrator is, please contact VON Technical Support."  (18593)

    • When a user is entering a record for an infant that is discharged before 28 days, NEWOX28 will not show. If a user answers yes to NEWOX28 before indicating that the infant was discharged before 28 days, the answer will be changed to N/A. (18540)
    • The BewareTheMonkey field has been removed from tblLargeDate. (25478)
    • NEWOX28, USOUND1, LBPATH, CNEGSTAPH, FUNGAL, HYPOIEP will no longer have N/A as an option in the drop down. (22080)
    • Surgery description fields will not allow more than 255 characters to be entered. If a user enters more than 255 characters, they will see a "d" for data validation error, and receive an error message. They will not be able to save the record until the error is fixed.
    • Data Validation errors will show as a "d" status on the patient log, and within the record. (26953)
    • Incorrect data (such as a decimal point, or letters) will result in a data validation error in the following fields: Surfactant Hours; Surfactant Minutes; Apgar Score, 1 minute; Apgar Score, 5 minutes, Weight at Initial Disposition.  (22197, 20500, 25766, 18792, 25569)
    • Data imported into eNICQ through EDI or File Import will be validated and show a correct status code in the patient log. (25575)
    • The graphic that shows if a field is locked or unlocked in eNICQ has been improved so it is easier to tell if the item is unlocked. (25484)
    • When a center imports a file the "The following error occurred" error message will only show if an error is present. (23932)
    • Users will no longer receive an "Index was out of range." exception followed by eNICQ 6 closing. (22349)
    • If CMAL is answered as unknown, BDEFECT will auto-fill to unknown. (22265)
    • On data imports, if EBSEPS or LBPATH is filled with unknown, child fields (EBSEPSCD1, LBPATHCD1 etc.) will be filled to unknown. (22256)
    • Imported data will be checked to make sure the birth year is within 4 years ago to 1 year in the future. (22214)
    • Imported data will have unknowns cleared from values for 36 weeks if they are not applicable to the record. (22038)
    • Problems caused when steps were done out of order were resolved for centers that use the direct write to the external table for pushing records into eNICQ. (21985)
    • Centers are able to disable PHI submission even if PHI is not been enabled at VON, thus preventing accidental PHI being submitted. (21751)
    • Unknown values in transfer code are imported to records. (21669)
    • Deleted records are no longer being submitted after a validation. (20600)
    • EDI will no longer stop import when there are extra fields in the file. (20511)
    • The Jump to Error feature will not skip Location of Surgery. (20430)
    • EDI will now process a record with a deleted flag. (20391)
    • Oxford is spelled correctly in the eNICQ 6 login screen. (20353)
    • Centers will no longer receive an exception if a file that was never submitted to VON is subsequently deleted. (19311)
    • A batch validate can be successfully run on one record. (19301)
    • Errors on location options will show immediately. (19108)
    • Running two batch validates back to back won't cause eNICQ to crash. (18852)
    • When using Jump to DID, it now goes to DID. (18777)
    • Jump to and Jump to Error can be used to get to surgery codes. (18612)


    • Reviewing events logged in tblEventLog.  Adding Record submission. (18601)
    • A banner will display when a user is running a batch validation. The user will receive an alert when the batch validation is complete. (28045) (26330)
    • Button appears if EDI data is in the external table to be imported. When there is no button, there is no data to be imported. (20395)
    • Start year and end year will be included for transfer codes. Center will only be able to select a transfer code for a year that the center was open. (26266)
    • The database name will be included in the About eNICQ page in eNICQ. (24102)
    • Guardrails have been added to block large jumps in the VON ID when data is imported through EDI or File Import. (24045)
    • In the database at centers, a store procedure (EventLog) has been added that will show the audit log. (24013)
    • When centers use EDI source fields will be auto filled with "Unknown EDI Source Application" and "Unknown EDI Source Version" if the center does not populate those fields. This will let us see when centers are using imported data. (22026)
    • The pop up message when there is a new version of eNICQ 6 available now indicates "The eNICQ (database/application) has an update available..." (21766)
    • Data exports are an ADMIN function. (20514)

Schedule Items

    • E6.1.0 has been merged to trunk. (19222)


  • Build Number: .1
  • Release Date: 4/8/2021
  • General Release, Targeted announcement
  • Required? No
  • fb 29204 - database change to resolve timeout problems with import.


VON Internal reference: 

