Recording Saved Outgoing Messages on the 8x8 System

Reported Issue: 

User would like to make a recording that will be saved and can be re-used.


From the 8x8 desktop application:

  1. click on your profile picture (or initials)
  2. select Voicemail setup
  3. sign into the system

From the 8x8 Configuration Manager (

  1. Click on Voicemail settings on the left
  2. Chose the greeting you would like to record and click Change in that section
    • You can chose which greetings you would like to change or record; External voicemail greeting, Voicemail name and last name, or Internal voicemail greeting

      webpage, 8x8 website, Voicemail Settings, External voicemail greeting settings, Change circled

  3. On the Audio files screen, select Create Audio Files

    webpage, 8x8 website, Audio files page, Create Audio Files button circled in top right

  4.  Select By calling a number to record

  5. Enter a Name for your audio file, a note and make sure your extension is filled in (change this to a phone number if you aren't near where your work phone will ring).

    webpage, 8x8 website, Call on phone to record page

  6. Click Call now

  7. Your phone will ring and you will see this message

    webpage, 8x8 website, Recording is in process message, blue Finished Recording button

  8. Once you have finished the recording and the phone system has said "Goodbye". Hang up and click "Finished Recording".

  9. Select your recording from the list by clicking Select

    webpage, 8x8 website, Audio files page, Select circled next to one of the recordings

  10. Click Save