eNICQ 6 - Importing a CSV, XML, or JSON file

How do I import a CSV, XML, or JSON file into eNICQ 6?

With eNICQ 6 you can import patient data using CSV, XML, or JSON files.

1. To import a file click Advanced Menu Options (the gear icon in the top right) and select Import Infant Records:

eNICQ 6,Advanced Menu Options,Import Infant Records


2. Click Browse.

 eNICQ 6 Import Infant Records popup,Browse button


3. Browse to the location of the saved file. You can use the dropdown in the bottom right to show just the file type of the one you're trying to import.

choose All files from dropdown,select file to import


4. Select the file, click Open, and then click Evaluate:

eNICQ 6 Import Infant Records popup, Evaluate button in bottom left 



Handling Data Import Problems

If you receive an error message, click the View Import Log and it will give you the path to the log. It will give you a path to Import Details Log (C:\ProgramData\von) as well as the file name of that particular log:

eNICQ 6 Import Log,Log file location

The log contains roughly the same information that displays in the scrolling on-screen window.  The advantage of the log is that it will remain after you've closed the application or moved on.

The log will tell you specifically why the record was not imported. If you are still unsure why records are not getting imported please feel free to send the Import Details Log to support@vtoxford.org or give us a call at (802) 865-4814 ex. 240.


IMPORTANT: Please note that data files and screenshots of import errors will almost always contain protected health information (PHI). DO NOT submit files or images containing PHI to Vermont Oxford Network.

This is not the same as your ImportDetails log file.  Log files have been developed to exclude PHI and are OK for you to submit to our support team.