eNICQ 6 - Guide for Installing eNICQ 6 on an Existing SQL Server®


This guide is intended for hospitals where there is an existing SQL Server on which to
install the database, and your IT department is able to assist with the installation.

To download the Guide for Installing eNICQ 6 on an Existing SQL Server®, click here


Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Installation Type:
SQL Server® Standard or Enterprise Edition installed on server (Recommended)
The eNICQ 6 client application can be installed on one or more workstations. The eNICQ 6 database is
hosted by your existing SQL Server® Standard or Enterprise Edition.


  • No risk of data loss if the local machine is damaged, upgraded, replaced
  • Backups can be managed at the server level by a Database Administrator
  • Security of PHI data can be managed at the server level
  • Can have multiple client machines for data entry


  • Requires professional IT support to implement

SQL Server® Express Edition installed locally

The eNICQ 6 client application and SQL Server® Express database are installed on a single workstation.


  • Easy to install, can often be implemented with minimal IT support


  • Risk of data loss if the local machine is damaged, upgraded, replaced
  • Establishing a reliable backup protocol will require additional IT support
  • Security of PHI data depends on securing access to the machine itself
  • Can only have one client machine for data entry

If you do not have an existing SQL Server on which to install the database or you do not have adequate IT
support, please see the eNICQ 6 Local Installation Guide.