How do I create a backup for eNICQ 6?
There are two types of backups. An full database backup and an export of the eNICQ data into an XML or JSON file.
A full database backup requires knowledge of SSMS and SQL databases. This is something an IT team member should do. It contains all the infant data and audit logs for the application.
Exporting the eNICQ data is simple, and can be done by anyone with admin access to eNICQ, but does the XML or JSON file will not contain the system audit logs. Please note, if you import data from this type of backup into a new installation of eNICQ, your archived and deleted records will not be imported into the new database. Archived and deleted records will be accessible in the XML or JSON file.
To export eNICQ data:
1) open eNICQ
2) click on the cog wheel in the upper right hand corner
3) select Export Infant Records
4) change the export filter to "All records"
5) select the file format that you wish to use
6) chose a location to store the file
7) click save
To use your backup, open eNICQ and import the saved file.
To backup the database:
1) have all eNICQ users exit eNICQ
2) open SQL Server® Management Studio
3) In the Object Explorer area on the left, expand the Databases folder, right-click on the eNICQ 6 database (named eNICQ6db by default - your database may have been assigned a custom name) and select Tasks, then select Backup.
4) Configure the General page as shown below. Backup type should be set to "Full". Backup type should be set to “Full.” Remove any existing entries in the “Destination” box in order to prevent overwriting an existing backup file. Identify the location where the backup file should be saved (“C:\Database Backups\01_18_2019.bak” is used in the example below).
Including the date in the filename will help to ensure that the correct backup is restored at the new location. Use the “.bak” extension to ensure that the file created will be identified as a database backup file. The location where the backup file is stored will need to be accessible from the new SQL Server®, or the backup file will need to be moved so it can be accessed from the new SQL Server®.
5) Click Options beneath Select a Page at the top left of the dialog, and configure the Options page as shown below. Under the Reliability section, select, “Verify backup when finished.” Click OK to create the backup.
6) Once the backup has been successfully created, right-click on the eNICQ 6 database and select Tasks, then select Detach to open the Detach Database dialog. Click OK. If any users are connected to the database, you will receive a notification listing any active connections.
If users were working on data entry, repeat the database backup process again to ensure none of the data entered is lost. All connections to the database will need to be closed before the database can be detached.
For technical information on resorting a database from a backup, click here.